Sunday, July 27

first: Welcome

Look at you.
You have stumbled across this little book club blog and made my day. Hi.

I’m not entirely sure how, when or what this little personal corner of my internet will grow up to be, but I believe in it and will feed it and cuddle it and be proud to watch it grow.

My goal is to start a little following or community, if you will, of readers that follow along with my journey through the world of books. This will, more often than not, be on the Young Adult Fiction path with the occasional stray into another genre if there is a novel elsewhere just demanding to be read. I plan to hit the classics, all ends of the young adult fiction spectrum, and I'd like to poll my followers’ opinions on reads we can venture through together.

(Full disclosure: I am an absolute Fitzgerald junkie and I'm sure it will present itself sooner or later) 

I am hoping to encourage the start of a snug community, so any and all feedback is encouraged. I would love to eventually be reading along the same timeline as my followers, something we have chosen together.

We can have lively discussions with cups of tea and cozy blankets.

All the things a book club does, right?
How would I know?

This is why I'm here.